Experts in Development & Construction Services

BWI is a leader in mixed-use, multi-family developments, and affordable housing. We believe that the success of a property begins and ends with those running it. We have built a highly skilled team that takes pride in their work and is ready for any challenge your property is facing. Our property and construction management teams have the authority, support and training needed to optimize your property's performance. 

You can learn more about our services here.

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“Extensive internal expertise and strong external relationships allows BWI to develop, own, manage and construct affordable housing communities.” – Eric Slack, Chicago Newspaper


The Posterity Heights development will be located on the southeast side of Fort Wayne, Indiana and will sit on the 28 acres once occupied by McMillen Park Apartments, a low-income apartment complex demolished by the City in May of 2011.  The Posterity Heights vision is to transform the southeast side of Fort Wayne through a first of its kind four-phased energy efficient and technologically innovative critical-scale, community-based development.

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In The News:

Housing Projects Score Funding

Housing Projects Score Funding, February 23, 2017, Inside Indiana Business

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Work With BWI on your next project

“Extensive internal expertise and strong external relationships allows BWI to develop, own, manage and construct affordable housing communities.” – Eric Slack, Chicago Newspaper